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NewsMinesecurityterror-suspectsguantanamo — Viewing Item

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19 detainees freed { March 24 2003 }
375 detainees at guantanamo not yet charged { April 3 2007 }
Afghan 15 years old had good time in guantanamo
Afghanistan to house new guantanamo jail { January 6 2006 }
Amnesty report calls gitmo gulag of our time { May 25 2005 }
AP observes guantanamo detention center
Arabs sold to guantanamo for bounties
Attempt suicide { August 15 2002 }
Australian hicks may have struck deal { December 6 2003 }
Blair wants britons back
British ex inmates sue rumsfeld for torture
Britons on guantanamo to be released in weeks { January 11 2005 }
Camp x ray
Children held guantanamo bay { April 24 2003 }
Cia runs prison within prison { December 17 2004 }
Commander relieved { October 14 2002 }
Court hears handling of detainees
Denies detainees court { August 1 2002 }
Detained pow photos
Detainee tribunals { November 18 2002 }
Detainees have some powerful friends { November 14 2003 }
Detainees innocent { December 22 2002 }
Detainees unaswered questions { November 22 2002 }
Enemy combantant { August 14 2002 }
Executions may be carried out at guantanamo { January 25 2006 }
Fair gitmo judge is replaced by military { May 31 2008 }
Family finds guantanamo suspect since 1996 { February 25 2004 }
Gauntanamo eyes execution chamber { June 10 2003 }
Gitmo detainees of little security value { June 21 2004 }
Gitmo released then is suicide bomber { May 7 2008 }
Growth of detention base
Guantanamo bay death trials { May 24 2003 }
Guantanamo laywers fired { December 3 2003 }
Guantanamo prisoners were experimented on
Hunder strike called serious by red cross
Lawyers for 13 detainees at guantamo bay challenge detentions { July 3 2004 }
Liberty guantanamo { October 24 2002 }
Loses appeal against due process { March 12 2003 }
Not entitled hearing { March 12 2003 }
Ontheir knees [jpg]
Pentagon ponders detainee transfers { March 11 2005 }
Pentagon wants permanent guantanamo
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Released documents reveal stories of prisoners { March 4 2006 }
Rice looking forward to guantanamo closure
Ruling stalls prosecution of detainee
Security breaches suicidal detainees guantanamo
Senate strips guantanmo detainees right to sue { November 11 2005 }
Sole spanish prisoner held guantanamo released to spain { February 14 2004 }
Some guantanamo captives free { May 5 2003 }
Supreme court hear case detainees guantanamo { November 10 2003 }
Supreme court will hear first cases involving detainees
Surpreme court appears split on guantanamo prisoners
Swede detained at guantanamo released { July 8 2004 }
Terror detainees will be released
Three guantanamo detainees commit suicide { June 12 2006 }
Three youths returned to afghanistan
Trials to begin for 4 inmates { August 24 2004 }
UN report alleges violations of prisoner rights
Us brings charges to guantanamo inmates { February 24 2004 }
Us could execute british citizens
US hands over french prisoners from Guantanamo
Us releases 26 guantanamo detainees { March 16 2004 }
Us suspends proceedings against britons { July 18 2003 }
Us to release 140 guantanamo bay suspects
Xray inmate saw habib dazed and bleeding { May 22 2004 }

Files Listed: 69


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